Quarantine Timelines

(subject to change at discretion of medical director as KDHE/CDC guidelines change)

Positive Case

▪ If asymptomatic, patient will be isolated for a minimum of 10 days from the test date.

▪ If symptomatic, patient will be isolated for a minimum of 10 days from the start of symptoms.

▪ If patient requires ICU care or is severely immunocompromised, isolation will be a minimum of 20

days from symptom start date.

▪ Patient must also be afebrile (without the use of a fever-reducing medicine) for at least 72

hours and must have improvement of other symptoms before release.

Non-Household Contact of a Positive Case

▪ Defined as someone who was within 6 feet of positive case for 15 minutes or longer (cumulatively

within a 24-hour period) without the use of masks by both parties. A positive case is considered

infectious for 2 days before the onset of the first symptom or 2 days before the test date if

the positive case is asymptomatic.

▪ Contact must quarantine per following guidelines:

o If remains asymptomatic:

▪ May test on or after day 6 for release after day 7

▪ If chooses not to test, will release after day 10

o If becomes symptomatic:

▪ Recommended to test. If positive, will follow above guidelines.

▪ If chooses not to test, will quarantine for 10 days from the start of symptoms.

Household Contact of a Positive Case

▪ Defined as someone who lives at the same address as a positive case. Staying in a separate area

of the house or in the basement does NOT exclude a person as a household contact.

▪ Contact must quarantine per following guidelines:

o Must quarantine with the household contact while he/she is in isolation (10+ days) plus:

▪ If remains asymptomatic:

• May test on or after day 2 for release after day 3 (no sooner than day 13)

• If chooses not to test, will release after day 5 (no sooner than day 15)

▪ If becomes symptomatic:

• Recommended to test. If positive, will follow above guidelines.

• If chooses not to test, will quarantine a minimum of 10 additional days based

on symptoms and household contact symptom start date (no sooner than day




o Contacts with PCR or antigen evidence of previous infection within the 6 months prior to

exposure do not need to quarantine as long as asymptomatic.

o Positive antibody testing does NOT count as evidence of prior infection.

o These contacts will be advised to mask in indoor public settings for 14 days after their

last exposure.

o Vaccinated contacts will be offered testing at regular intervals as recommended by

CDC/KDHE (currently 3-5 days after exposure and again at 7-10 days after exposure).

o If contact becomes symptomatic, contact will be advised on testing/quarantining per above



o If contact has completed a vaccine series and is at least 14 days out from the last shot of

the series, he/she does not need to quarantine as long as remaining asymptomatic.

o If contact becomes symptomatic, contact will be advised on testing/quarantining per above


o These contacts will be advised to mask in indoor public settings for 14 days after their

last exposure.

o Vaccinated contacts will be offered testing at regular intervals as recommended by

CDC/KDHE (currently 3-5 days after exposure and again at 7-10 days after exposure).

o If contact is partially vaccinated or less than 14 days out from the last shot of the series,

he/she will be required to quarantine as described above.