The Hill City High School KAY club will be hosting their annual Trunk-or-Treat on Thursday, October 31st from 4-5:30 PM. It will be located in the HCJSHS front parking lot. Kids participating should be accompanied by an adult.
All organizations, businesses, churches and individuals are invited to set up a Trunk-or-Treat display and bring treats or favors so that area youth may trick or treat in a fun and safe environment. Setup time will be open from 2:30-3:55 PM. Costumes are encouraged, but in order to provide a child-friendly environment, KAY members request that teens and adults DO NOT wear any masks or items which hide their identity.
Those attending are encouraged to bring a free-will donation for the Hill City High School Ringneck Roost. They are currently in need of plastic spoons, mac & cheese cups, chicken/tuna salad kits, hats/gloves/blankets, as well as individually packaged snack foods like granola bars, trail mix, fruit snacks, etc. Let’s make this a great event for area trick-or-treaters! If you have questions, please contact KAY sponsor Collin Pfeifer (785-421-2117 or 785-216-0829) or contact any KAY member.

USD 281 conducts District Climate Surveys annually to gather data about academics, social and emotional needs, student engagement, family engagement, and civic engagement. Student and staff surveys will be administered during school hours. We also need feedback from parents and guardians to guide decision making and provide data for our accreditation action plans and goals. Please take some time to complete the parent/guardian survey using this link. https://forms.gle/SBwA2fWkaTChRF647

Hill City Jr Sr High School Yearbook staff will be selling yearbooks at the Homecoming game tonight beneath the stands! We will be accepting check and card or exact cash (sorry, no change!)
2024 Yearbooks - $60
2023 Yearbooks - $40
2012-2022 - $20
Anything before 2012 - $10
If you purchase multiple books they will be $5 off per book. Interested in pre-ordering the 2025 Ringneck? We can help you do that too! We hope to see you there!

2024-25 Calendar

Boys 4x400 Meter Relay

Girls 4x400 Meter Relay

Boys 3200 Run

Girls 3200 Run

Boys 200 Meter Dash

Girls 200 Meter Dash

Boys 800 Meter Run

Girls 800 Meter Run

Boys 4x800 Relay

Girls 4x800 Relay

Boys 300 Meter Hurdles

Girls 300 Meter Hurdles

Boys 400 Meter Run

Girls 400 Meter Run

Boys 4x100 Meter Relay

Girls 4x100 Meter Relay